The 10th International Symposium and the General Meeting of International Association for Transport Universities in Asia-Pacific Countries were held by Korea National University of Transportation from October 31, 2017 to November 4, 2017.
Nanjing, China. 8th International Symposium for Railroad Universities in Europe and Asia was held in Nanjing Institute of Railway Technologies. Among the topics, discussed at the Symposium, were development of transport corridors and related technologies, …
May 14th 2014, Dalian. The last day of the 7th International Symposium for Railway Universities hosted by the Dalian Jiaotong University. The Symposium gathered together 11 IASTU APC member universities, 3 universities as guest participants …
On April 10-12, 2013 Korea National University of Transportation hosted the 6th International Symposium for Railroad Universities in Europe & Asia, and the General meeting of IASTU APC members.
May 31st – June 1st, 2012. Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication (Kazakhstan) hosted the 5-th International Simposium For Railroad Universities in Europe & Asia.
May 30– June 1, 2011. Nanjing, China. Delegates from Far Eastern State Transport University participated in the 4th International Symposium for Railroad Universities in Europe and Asia, which was hosted by Nanjin Institute for Railway …
October 13-15, 2009. Khabarovsk, Russia. Far Eastern State Transport University (FESTU) hosted the 3rd International Symposium for Railroad Universities in Europe and Asia.
December 12, 2008. Seoul, Republic of Korea. Korean National Railroad College hosted the 2nd International Symposium for Railroad Universities in Europe and Asia.
October 10, 2007. Seoul, Republic of Korea. Korean National Railroad College hosted the 1st International Symposium for Railroad Universities in Europe and Asia.
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Trisakti Foundation will be the host for the 13th International Symposium and the General Meeting of IASTU APC members.
Venue: Jakarta, Indonesia
Date: September 9, 2020
The Symposium was held at the same time as the 6th Forum of ARTU (Association of Rectors of Transport Universities of Russia and China).
To contact organizers please use this e-mail: ;
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The 12th International Symposium and the General Meeting of International Association for Transport Universities in Asia-Pacific Countries were held by Beijing Union University on October 16-19, 2019 in Beijing, China.
The Symposium was held at the same time as the 6th Forum of ARTU (Association of Rectors of Transport Universities of Russia and China).
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Venue: Zhengzhou, Henan province, China
Host: Zhengzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College (ZZRVTC)
Dates: October 26-28, 2018
Language: English, Chinese, Russian
Theme: “Openness and Innovation, Cooperation and Mutual benefit”
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Venue: Omsk State Transport University (Omsk, Russia)
December 6-7, 2018
Conference IASTU APС_December 6-7, 2018
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The 10th International Symposium and the General Meeting of International Association for Transport Universities in Asia-Pacific Countries were held by Korea National University of Transportation from October 31, 2017 to November 4, 2017.
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Venue: Seoul
Arrival and Registration: October 31, 2017
Symposium and General Meeting: November 1 ~ 3, 2017
- Main contents of the symposium:
Theme: The Euro-Asian Transportation & Logistics System for the Fourth Industrial
Session topics
Session 1: Current status and challenges of transportation and logistics in Eurasia
Session 2: The status of mobility 4.0 transportation technology
Session 3: Research and development for future transportation and logistics system
Session 4: Cooperative work plans for the training of transportation and logistics experts
- General Meeting of IASTU-APC
1) Summaries of IASTU-APC
2) Admission of new members
3) Suggestions to improve inter-university cooperation
4) Determination of host university for the next symposium
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Next International Symposium for Transport Universities in Europe and Asia, along with the general meeting of the IASTU APC members are planned for May 23th~26th, 2017. Symposium venue: Korea National University of Transportation (The Republic of Korea).
The tentative details on the symposium are as follows:
Symposium Title
10th International Symposium for Transportation Universities in Europe and Asia “(a specific title is to be determined soon).
Symposium Sections Topics
- Specialized research area and technology in the transportation field
- Smart transportation technology and logistics
- National transportation networks: construction, maintenance and development perspective; transport corridors; etc.
- Training of transportation oriented specialists and cooperation between transportation universities and organizations
- Discussion on current issues in international transportation cooperation
- Curriculum suggestions to foster global transportation expertise
(Other relevant topics are welcomed as well)
Key Dates
- Reply with a list of delegation members, copies of passports and presentation titles: Dec. 30, 2016
- Paper submission for Section: March 15, 2017
- Symposium date: May 23~26, 2017
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Omsk State Transport University, in accordance with a program of collaboration in the frames of the IASTU APC’s Committee for Energy Saving and Efficiency, will host the 2nd International science conference “Increasing the Energy Efficiency of Land Transport Systems”. For more detailed information please see information letter attached.
Info Letter
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On June 21-23, 2016, the 9th International Symposium for Railroad Universities in Europe and Asia will be hosted by Ural State University of Railway Transport (USURT, Yekaterinburg, Russia), as well as the next General meeting of the IASTU APC members.
Theme: «Scientific cooperation in railway industry of Asia-Pacific region»
Topics of the Symposium:
1. Prospects of development of high-speed running
2. Experience and problems of the organization of heavy freight traffic on the railway network movement
3. The problem of creating the infrastructure for high-speed and heavy freight traffic
4. Personnel management in innovative environment of the railway industry
Program of the IX Symposium 2016 USTU
Invitation USTU 2016
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