Ladies and gentlemen!
![Ли Сюэвэй](Ли-Сюэвэй-208x300.jpg)
Li Xuewei President of the International Association of Transport Universities of Asian-Pacific Countries, President of Beijing Union University, Professor
Today, in the Age of Globalization, the modern stage of community development leads us to the fact that the world community should be consolidated to be able to solve problems of different scales that exist in various spheres, including transport and education.
The main issues of modern dynamically developing society are: globalization of the world transport network, simplification of traffic routes and the optimization of financial and temporal costs of cargo and passenger transportation etc.
To solve these problems we should unite the scientific, educational and industrial potential of the transport sphere on an international level. Efforts of the world transport community should be aimed at working out various projects of cooperation in educational and scientific areas. Integration of science, engineering and production in development of railway transport is one of the main reasons for establishing the International Association of Transport Universities of Asian Pacific Countries.
Countries of the Asian Pacific Region perform a significant role in the world transport system. That is why the activities of the Association in this region are very important.
Nowadays the Association includes members from China, Russia, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Japan, Mongolia and Australia.
Our Association is opened for new members, and I am sure that only by joining our efforts, knowledge and potentials we can make a contribution in the development of transport sphere not only in regional, but in the global scale as well.
Sincerely yours,
Li Xuewei
President of the International Association
of Transport Universities of Asian-Pacific Countries,
President of Beijing Union University, Professor